VIP Day scheduled at Devils Fork State Park

A VIP or Volunteer Improve Preserve Day is scheduled at Devils Fork State Park on Sept. 8, from 9am to noon. In conjunction with the SC Annual Beach Sweep, River Sweep Day and National Public Lands Day Volunteer Event, the Friends of Jocassee (FOJ) sponsor the 8th Annual Friends of Jocassee VIP Cleanup Day for Devils Fork State Park and the shoreline of Lake Jocassee. Come help clean up the lake and state park that provides access to the lake. A special park project is planned as well during the VIP Day as volunteers will help build an Oconee Bell Trail viewing platform. Kayakers, divers, boaters, fishermen, campers, hikers and all lovers of the park and lake are needed. Volunteers will receive free park admission. To register or for more information, visit Devils Fork State Park is located at 161 Holcombe Circle in Salem.