Land Development Regulations Workshop Tonight in Clemson

The Clemson City Council holds a workshop tonight to discuss proposed changes to the land development regulations, explains Clemson Mayor JC Cook. “Well, the land development regulations basically lay out how we want subdivisions to be built with tree canopies, sidewalks, street widths and that sort of thing. This is something we have had on our plate for a couple of years that we have been working on and we are just trying to get the final details worked out on it. There has been a little discussion, you know our topography is not flat, which makes it hard when you have hills on what is the best way to deal with hills to try to keep some of the trees and not just grade everything off flat. So, we are going to work on that and discuss it and try to come up with something that council is comfortable with so we can put those land development regulations into the mix, so people know what we are doing going forward.” The 6:30pm meeting is open to the public and takes place in the Upper Level Conference Room at Clemson City Hall. This meeting will not include a formal public comment session.