OC Sheriff’s Office offers Safety Tips for Labor Day Holiday

The Labor Day weekend brings about the unofficial end of summer and with that in mind, the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is offering some safety tips so citizens and visitors can enjoy this holiday weekend with their family and friends safely. “As with all the holiday time periods here in the Golden Corner, we are expecting things to be busy this weekend,” says Oconee County Sheriff Mike Crenshaw. “Our normal and routine law enforcement operations, as always, will continue as normal regardless of the time period and our dispatch will fully staffed and ready to accept calls for service and our deputies will respond to those calls and will enforce the laws accordingly.” According to a release from AAA Carolinas, 488,000 South Carolinians will travel 50 miles or more from home during the Labor Day Holiday period, which will run from Thursday, August 30th thru Monday, September 3rd. Of those traveling, according to the same report from AAA Carolinas, 420,000 will travel to their destinations by driving. As always during the summer and especially during the summer holidays, including this weekend, citizens will see the Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit on the lakes, rivers and County Park and recreation areas in Oconee County. Those deputies and others on foot in the County Park and recreation areas will be keeping an eye out for alcohol and drug violations and will enforce any violations discovered. Deputies will also make sure that emergency vehicles can navigate into and out of those access points so families, visitors and emergency response workers will be safe. The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is offering these safety tips for travel on the roads and the water as well as ways you can protect your homes and property if you traveling for a final vacation before the summer ends. Never consume alcohol and operate any type of motorized vehicle or watercraft. Always have a designated driver and make sure to always buckle up. Don’t drive distracted by texting or looking at your phones while behind the wheel. Expect an increased law enforcement presence and prepare for traffic safety checkpoints. Always make sure that everyone on a boat has a personal flotation device that is wearable and of the proper size for everyone that is on a boat. Make sure your boat navigation lights are working properly and that you have a horn or sound making device. When traveling by vehicle or boat, always be courteous to others on the road and the water. Have a travel plan and make sure other family and friends know where you are going and your estimated time of arrival. Make sure to have a cell phone that is fully charged. Wear plenty of sunscreen when you are outside and always drink plenty or water or sports drinks before, during and after you have been outside to stay hydrated. Bear in mind once again that open containers of alcohol are not allowed in parks and recreation areas that are operated by Oconee County. Always use barbeque grills outdoors and in well ventilated areas and away from anything that could catch fire. Make sure to use long handed utensils when cooking on a grill. Always stay around a grill when in operation. Before hitting the road, make sure to check your tires for proper inflation plus check your brakes, hoses and wind shield wipers and make sure your vehicles fluids are topped off. Make sure that your home and any buildings on your property are properly secured before leaving on your trip. It may be a good idea to have a trusted friend, family member or neighbor to check on your home and property from time to time while you are gone. You may want to stop mail and newspaper service while you are gone or have someone pick up those items for you. Lock all valuables in a safe or secure room in your home or in the trunk of your vehicle if you are traveling. Never leave valuable items in plain sight whether it is in your home or vehicle. Homeowners may want to consider putting timers on their lights inside their homes or installing motion lights outside. You can also leave a TV or a radio on inside your home while you are gone. Installing game cameras is something the Sheriff’s Office recommends so if a break-in occurs, images can be captured on the game cameras.