Clemson seeking Bids for Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion

Sealed bids for the construction of the Cochran Road Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion will be received by the City of Clemson at City Hall, which is located at 1250 Tiger Boulevard, until 2pm on Oct. 18, 2018, at which time the bids received will be publicly opened and read. The project consists of, but is not limited to headworks structure including fine screening and grit removal equipment, influent pump station, upgrades to the existing equalization basin, conversion of aeration basins 1 and 2 to anoxic and anaerobic zones, conversion of aeration basin 3 to two parallel aeration trains, membrane treatment system, closed vessel UV system, conversion of chlorine contact chamber to a post aeration basin, RAS feed forward pumps, permeate pumps, membrane thickening system, chemical feed, effluent pump station modifications, standby generator, demolition and removal activities, plant control system (PCS) consisting of field mounted instruments and control devices, non-proprietary distributed control system utilizing personal computers (PCs) and programmable logic controllers (PLCs); all related site work, piping, electrical, and any other activities incidental to the completion of this project. To learn more, visit