SDOC announces All-County Choral Concert

The School District of Oconee County (SDOC) presents the fifteenth All-County Choral Concert on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2018, at 7:30pm at Seneca Baptist Church. Again this year, the students auditioned and were selected by music teachers making this the second annual SDOC Select All-County Chorus. Dr. Jeremy Mims, Professor at Winthrop University, will be conducting the middle and high school groups. Mrs. Masheila Cobb and Ms. Diane McFarlane will be his accompanists. Middle school students will perform the following selections: “Domine, ad Adjuvandum” by Pergolesi “Stars I Shall Find” by Johnson “How Can I Keep from Singing?” arranged by Rew and “Bonse Aba” a traditional Zambian Folk Song arranged by Johnson. Middle school choral directors are Mrs. Carla Brock, Mr. Christopher Hulsey and Mrs. Kara Taylor. Selections by high school students will include the South Carolina All-State Audition piece “Hallelujah, Praise the Lord” by Handel, “Liebst du um Schonheit” by Clara Schumann, “Johnny Schmoker”, a Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Song arranged by Rodde and “Hlohonolofatsa” arranged by Jackson. High school choral directors include Mrs. Sherry Collins, Ms. Diane McFarlane, and Mrs. Erin Phillips. Mrs. Lisa Simmons, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction for the School District of Oconee County, will provide the welcome. The school district’s elementary music teachers will also be recognized. The public is invited to attend and support the school district’s fine arts programs. Admission is free.