Navy Facility receives Approval from US Army Corps

Palmetto Railways has reached a monumental milestone in the development of the Navy Base Intermodal Facility project as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has approved the Department of Army permit application. The Record of Decision (ROD) details the Corps’ decision to issue a Section 404 Permit of the Clean Water Act to construct and operate the Navy Base Intermodal Facility on a 118-acre site on the former Charleston Naval Complex. The Corps’ announcement of the ROD is another step forward in the advancement of economic development locally and throughout the Southeast, providing key freight connections to regional infrastructure, including major roadways and the South Carolina Ports Authority. The Navy Base Intermodal Facility will allow the Charleston region to facilitate the movement of goods and commerce, keeping pace with import and export demands, and will provide equal connectivity for the state’s Class I rail carriers. “A long time in the making, we certainly celebrate this important milestone. This critical project will help us ensure that we’re working to meet the needs of South Carolina’s business community by being able to transport goods more efficiently across our state and beyond,” said S.C. Secretary of Commerce Bobby Hitt. “We’re proud to be a part of the upward successes of this community, and we look forward to supporting the continued growth,” said Palmetto Railways President and CEO Jeff McWhorter. “The Record of Decision comes at an opportune time that will support our state as it continues to move forward as a leader in commerce.” The Corps has been charged with the responsibility of impartially assessing Palmetto Railways’ proposal for the Navy Base Intermodal Facility and the range of alternatives identified during scoping. Under the National Environmental Policy Act process, the Corps was required to identify and analyze potential environmental impacts of this project and to ensure that information was made available to public officials and citizens for public input. With the issuance of the Corps’ permit, Palmetto Railways can continue formally working on funding for the project with the Federal Department of Transportation Build America Bureau and other funding sources. Construction on the Navy Base Intermodal Facility is scheduled to begin in 2019.