Second Annual Walk Like MADD

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) in South Carolina will host its second annual Walk Like MADD® Greenville Upstate fundraiser, presented by HotSpot. Victims, survivors and supporters will line up for this non-competitive 5K walk to remember lost loved ones, inspire change and commit to a nation with No More Victims. South Carolina is among the worst states in the nation for drunk driving. Funds raised through Walk Like MADD help further MADD’s lifesaving mission and the Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving® which calls for high-visibility law enforcement, ignition interlocks or “in-car breathalyzers” for all convicted drunk drivers and support for the development of advanced technology to turn cars into the cure for drunk driving. It takes place Sunday, Oct. 7, 2018, at Clemson University’s International Center for Automotive Research, which is located at 5 Research Drive in Greenville. Registration opens at 2pm, pre-walk remarks begin at 3pm with the walk set for 3:30pm. In 2016, 331 people in South Carolina were killed in drunk driving crashes. Nationwide, more than 10,000 lives were lost due to drunk driving and around 300,000 people were injured in drunk driving crashes. For more information visit