4K Registration for the Needy

Hard to believe it is already that time of year when area schools begin preparing for next year’s school term.  All Oconee County elementary schools will hold registration and screening for 4-year-old kindergarten during the week of March 4 – 8. The 4K program is for children who will be four on or before September 1, explains Oconee County Schools Superintendent Dr. Mike Lucas. “We actually start kindergarten with 5K when kids are five-years-old by September 1 but we do serve a portion of the children in Oconee County who are four-years-old.  We currently serve about 220 of about 700 kids and during this time of year, we will be posting information and will screen children.  We will serve those kids that are the neediest.  We look at all kinds of factors to make sure we serve those needy kids.” Four-year-old kindergarten is a wonderful way to get your child familiarized with school and begin the learning process.  Schedule a screening appointment in advance by calling or visiting the school office. Due to the district’s limited number of programs, screening does not insure a child’s placement in a 4K program. However, a child cannot be placed in a 4K program unless he or she is screened.