OCPL Board approves New Strategic Plan

A new strategic plan has been approved for the Oconee County Public Library (OCPL), announces Director Blair Hinson. “The Board of Trustees passed our strategic plan. We’ve been working on it now since about the beginning of the calendar year. Of course, there are some things that we are doing now that we want to keep doing in terms of making sure that we bring new people into the library and re-engage with people that may have been gone awhile. But, we want to make sure that people really are able to understand how to find, use and evaluate information. We want people to be able to satisfy their curiosity, we want people to be able to make decisions in their lives. We’re going to have programs on how to do retirement, how to do financial planning and that kind of thing. Also just be able to make informed decisions. Some things we are doing in our plan is just to improve our own processes in terms of better staff communication and that kind of thing because we know that will also benefit our patrons. If one branch is doing something innovative and great, we want that to be shared with the rest of our branches. Then a lot of things like partnering with the school district, we would like to try to partner with them to figure out a way to make where kids don’t suffer the summer slide, so we do summer reading, but we are also going to come up with some ways to get them reading and keeping reading. We are just really trying to reach out to the community and let them know that we are there for them, let them know that we are a resource for them and if we don’t have it, we’ll find it and if we don’t know, we’ll learn it.” The new strategic plan for the library covers the next two years. To learn more about the OCPL, visit www.oconeelibrary.org.