Amended Agenda released for OC Council Meeting

An amended agenda has been released for the Oconee County Council meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018, at 6pm. There will be public hearings for the following ordinances: Ordinance 2018-31 “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 38 OF THE OCONEE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES, IN CERTAIN LIMITED REGARDS AND PARTICULARS ONLY, REGARDING THE I-85 OVERLAY DISTRICT WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE BEING MADE TO CHANGES TO THE FAIRPLAY VILLAGE SUB-DISTRICT AND FAIRPLAY VILLAGE CENTER; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO.” Third reading of the following ordinances: Ordinance 2018-31, see caption above. First reading of the following ordinances: Ordinance 2018-32 “AN ORDINANCE TO DEVELOP A JOINTLY OWNED AND OPERATED INDUSTRIAL/BUSINESS PARK IN CONJUNCTION WITH PICKENS COUNTY, SUCH INDUSTRIAL/BUSINESS PARK TO BE, AT THE TIME OF ITS INITIAL DEVELOPMENT, GEOGRAPHICALLY LOCATED IN PICKENS COUNTY AND TO INCLUDE CERTAIN PROPERTY NOW OR TO BE OWNED BY A COMPANY KNOWN TO THE COUNTY AT THIS TIME AS “PROJECT PRINT” OR ITS ASSIGNEE, AND ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO SECTION 4-1-170 ET SEQ. OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA CODE OF LAWS 1976, AS AMENDED; TO PROVIDE FOR A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH PICKENS COUNTY PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENSES OF THE PARK, THE PERCENTAGE OF REVENUE ALLOCATION, AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF FEES IN LIEU OF AD VALOREM TAX; AND MATTERS RELATED THERETO.” Ordinance 2018-33 “AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A FEE-IN-LIEU-OF-TAX ARRANGEMENT ON BEHALF OF A PROJECT ECHO (“COMPANY”) PURSUANT TO AN AMENDED AND RESTATED FEE-IN-LIEU-OF-TAX AGREEMENT BETWEEN OCONEE COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA (“COUNTY”) AND THE COMPANY; AUTHORIZING THE PROVISION OF CREDITS AGAINST FEE IN LIEU OF TAX PAYMENTS; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING.” In addition to council committee reports like the Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Health and Welfare Committee and the Transportation Committee. Approval of the acceptance of Lakestone Court into the county road system contingent on receiving full deeded right-of-way, a three year maintenance bond, and payment for road inspection fees per unanimous recommendation by the Transportation Committee on Oct. 9, 2018. The council is also scheduled to convene into executive session in order to receive legal advice and discuss a contractual matter regarding the Sewer South Transfer and Operation Agreement with the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority, to discuss employment matter, and receive legal advice as necessary, related to the hiring of a county administrator, discussion regarding an economic development matter, Project Aztec and first and final reading for the following resolution: Resolution 2018-11 “A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFER AND OPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN OCONEE COUNTY AND THE OCONEE JOINT REGIONAL SEWER AUTHORITY IN RELATION TO THE SEWER SYSTEM EXTENDING BETWEEN THE GOLDEN CORNER COMMERCE PARK AND THE CONEROSS CREEK SEWER TREATMENT PLANT; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO.” The public meeting takes place in Council Chambers of the Oconee County Administrative Offices at 415 South Pine Street in Walhalla.