A Call To Action Oconee holding “Breaking the Chains of Domestic Abuse Event

On Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018, from 6-8pm, community members from every corner of the Upstate are invited to take part in a multi-agency and multi-organization event called “Breaking the Chains of Domestic Abuse”. Studies show that reducing domestic abuse requires a total community approach. All the stakeholders have a part to play in changing the culture of a community and resetting the societal norms where domestic violence is concerned. Over a dozen local advocacy and support groups will be in attendance as we conduct a discussion aimed at ending domestic abuse in the Upstate. The Breaking the Chains event will begin with a DV scene portrayed by a company of actors, The Covenant Players. Representatives from the Sheriff’s office, Safe Harbor, and the Domestic Abuse Center will share Information about the process they follow to ensure the safety of the victims, as well as the programs in place to hold the perpetrators accountable when a violent act is committed. All those in attendance will be challenged to do their part as members in the community. They will have the opportunity to sign up for a GreenDot Bystander Intervention training, which teaches one how to safely respond when they witness a potentially violent behavior. They will also have the opportunity to visit the information tables of the local providers and learn what services are available to area residents. The entire community, working together, with a common purpose; Breaking the Chains of Domestic Abuse in our neighborhoods. The event takes place in the Walhalla Middle School Auditorium on Razorbacks Lane. It is free to the public.