Enrollment for Health Care Plans

In need of a health care plan? Well, open enrollment for Obamacare only lasts from Nov. 1, through Dec. 15, this year. Bob Bate with Bob Bate Insurance gives details. “The health care for individuals and families starts Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018, and will run through Dec. 15, 2018. So, this is a time when you can review the plans that you have currently, look at what is going to be available for 2019 and try to make that right choice for next year. There are some plan changes and one of the important things, I think, to realize this year is that because of a couple of plan changes there are going to be many people that qualify for zero premium plan on their health insurance and of course, that is based on household income, but due to that plan change there are going to be a lot more people that qualify for that zero premium plan.” There have also been some changes to Medicare, adds Bate. “The deductibles for part A and B have changed slightly for 2019, not much. The deductible for part A just went up to $1,346, so about a $6 increase for next year and the part B deductible only changed $2, so it is going to be $185, so not much change there.” To learn more or to schedule an appointment, visit www.bobbateinsurance.com or call 864-653-3834.