Cain overwhelmingly re-elected to OC Council

Paul Cain was overwhelmingly re-elected Tuesday to serve four more years on the Oconee County Council representing District 3. “I’m just honored that the folks of District 3 decided that I guess I was doing a good enough job to send me back up here to Walhalla to continue to lead and serve Oconee County. I’m very grateful to those who voted for me and even those who didn’t vote for me, I’m here to represent everybody; Republicans, Democrats, Green Party, Libertarians, you name it. I represent all the folks of District 3 in Oconee County. So, I’m just really looking forward to beginning a new term in 2019 and just thankful again that I have the opportunity to do this. I’m excited about some initiatives we have coming toward us next year and just excited to begin. I look forward to moving Oconee County forward in a very positive direction, so thank you to everyone for putting their confidence in me.” Without any opposition, Cain received 3,652 votes or 97.83% of the 3,733 total votes cast in Tuesday’s Midterm Election.