10% More People voted in 2018 compared to 2014

More Oconee County residents voted in the 2018 Midterm Election than in the 2014 General Election, according to the South Carolina Election Commission. On Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018, 55% of voters cast ballots compared to 45% in 2014. “Well, Oconee County Voter Registration and Elections Director Joy Scharich did a great job with her staff. The board has done a great job working the election as well; the Election Board and Registration Board together. So, we are very happy, we are glad it is over for now and did a great job. Great turnout; everybody was happy. People seemed to happy voting too. We all go to different precincts, the board does that throughout the day and I don’t think any of us got any negative comments and people didn’t even mind waiting in line a little bit. So, that is a good thing. I think people really, really wanted to vote.” That was Flora Riley, Chair of the Oconee County Elections Commission. The highest voter turnout in Oconee County was recorded at the Return Precinct where 61.81% of registered voters cast ballots. In addition, 5,500 Oconee County residents cast absentee ballots in the 2018 Midterm Election.