Hometown Building drawing Lots of Interest

A few prospective buyers have expressed interest in the former Hometown Food Store building in downtown Seneca, tells Mayor Dan Alexander. “We actually do have some interest in the building, but just waiting to see what might go there. So, looking forward to that end of town developing too and everything in the middle coming together. I had an opportunity a couple of weeks ago to sit down with some people that are very interested in coming to this area. So, just looking forward to seeing what is going to happen and how we are going to develop and grow because we are definitely seeing some growth. But, I just want to see us be able to enjoy this community.” The city is looking at all aspects of the Hometown building trying to bring somebody into the downtown area in that building to help generate traffic and bring people to town. So, the Hometown building is still a work in progress right now and the city is trying to recruit people in town. The mayor hopes to make an announcement about the building in the near future.