Senator Alexander encouraged by Voter Turnout

Of the 3,137,659 registered voters in South Carolina, 1,720,459 or 54.83% cast ballots in the 2018 Midterm Election, according to the State Elections Commission. State Senator Thomas Alexander was pleased with the voter turnout. “To me that is one of the most encouraging things that I saw is people taking the time to vote. Here we are on the eve of Veterans Day, our veterans have fought and protected our rights to participate in the election process. It is our civic responsibility and duty to participate. It is my hope that in years to come that we will build upon this foundation that people will take the time. To me it is an investment in the future of our communities, it is an investment in the future of our state and our nation is for us to participate and be a part of the election process. So, it did my heart good to see the high voter turnout and I look forward to that being a success in the future as well.” Senator Alexander serves Oconee and Pickens counties in the State Senate.