Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority Board of Commissioners Holds Meeting Tonight In Walhalla

The Board of Commissioners for the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority will hold a meeting tonight at 6pm at the Walhalla Depot on College Street. Several items will be on the agenda for tonight’s meeting, including a resolution to approve a monetary refund to the Member Cities. If approved, the city of Seneca will receive over $4.7 million dollars, the city of Walhalla will receive over $1.5 million dollars and the city of Westminster will receive almost $1.3 million dollars. 

Also on the agenda for the meeting will be approval of a public notice for a fee increase for solid’s disposal. If approved, the disposal fee will go from a flat fee to a disposal costs + 10% approach. According to Chris Eleazer, Executive Director of the Sewer Authority, the change is being implemented due to how the landfill changes the amount for disposal of solid’s. According to the agenda, the cost of the disposal’s of solid’s has been frequent. 

Also, the Commissioners will go into Executive Session to discuss the proposed agreement and funding for the “Sewer South” project. There may be Board action taken once the Commissioners return from Executive Session. Oconee County Council Chair Julian Davis and Interim County Administrator Amanda Brock are scheduled to attend the meeting.