Work Session Items To Be Forwarded To Seneca City Council For Consideration

During the work session last night with Seneca City Council, there were several items that City Administrator Scott Moulder will be sending to City Council in the future for their consideration. One of these is a hydrant use policy for contractors as they are permitted to withdraw water from hydrants for the tanks on their trucks that go to job sites. Mr. Moulder mentioned a official policy and guidelines to gain application approval to withdraw from the hydrants and there would be permit and decal requirements as well. The policy would also cover withdrawals by contractors from a specific hydrant location on at a specific job site which would be metered so contractors would not have to go elsewhere, 

Other work session items that will be sent to City Council for consideration at future meetings would be a small wireless facilities ordinance based on a municipal association recommendation that would govern small access pocket wireless points as companies want to use electrical poles, water towers or put up stand alone facilities in regards to providing service. Also, a Coneross Power Agreement that would be a formal power supply agreement regarding the hydroelectric dam that generates power off Highway 59 for which the city buys power at reduced rate. 

Mr. Moulder is also proposing that Council approve the contract for entertainment for the upcoming 4th of July event at an upcoming meeting as well as taking up a recommendation from the Oconee County Election Commission to move the City’s election’s from March to November which could be a cost saving measures as well as increasing possible voter turnout which was based upon discussion by City Council members last night. There would have to be pre-clearance from the Department of Justice moving forward and a copy of a proposed ordinance could be ready for Council review as soon as the next meeting in two weeks.