Oconee County Council To Hold Regularly Scheduled Council Meeting Tonight

(Seneca, SC)————–Oconee County Council will hold their regularly scheduled council meeting tonight at 6pm in Council Chambers at the Oconee County Administrative Offices on Pine Street. Before tonight’s meeting, the Budget, Finance and Administration Committee will have a meeting that is scheduled to begin at 4:30pm. 

Among the items on the agenda will be a Proclamation recognizing National Safe Boating Week. Plus, Council will have a public hearing regarding the fiscal year 2019-2020 budget as well as the third reading regarding the budget. Council will also have a second reading on two ordinances regarding new departments and departmental positions and responsibilities from County Council’s directive to divide the Community Development Department into Building Codes and Planning Departments. 

County Council will also have discussion regarding action items involving an update regarding Fall Creek Access as well as discussion regarding the Utica Community. 

County Council will also go into executive session regarding some economic development matters regarding Project Aztec, Project Trout, and ACI Plastics as well as the potential purchase of real property for the possible relocation of the Westminster Magistrate’s Office.