Executive Committee And Board Of Commissioners For Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority To Meet Today

(Seneca, SC)——————The Executive Committee of the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority will hold a meeting this afternoon at 5pm at the Walhalla Depot, which is located at 211 South College Street in Walhalla. 

Among the items on the agenda will be the annual review of the Executive Director of the Sewer Authority. 

Following the Executive Committee Meeting, the Board of Commissioners Meeting will take place beginning at 6pm. Prior to the meeting, Sharon Hennes, who is representing the city of Seneca, will be sworn in as Commissioner by Larry Brandt, who is the Attorney for the Sewer Authority. 

Among the items on the agenda for the Board of Commissioners meeting will be an action item requiring the Sewer Authority to retain a maximum cash balance of $5,000,000, with all funds above that amount being returned, based on their average pro rata shares for the past five years, to the three member cities.