Money For Hometown Partnership In Fiscal Year 2020 Budget For Seneca Improvement Corporation Budget

(Seneca, SC)————-Last week, Seneca City Council held a work session and special called Council Meeting and during that meeting, Council passed on 1st reading the fiscal year 2020 Seneca City Budget. 

As part of the Seneca Improvement Corporation Budget of $855,000, $95,000 is listed as a Hometown Partnership which involves the Hometown Food Store building. 

Seneca City Administrator Scott Moulder says that there are some revenues and expenses associated with Hometown and that a portion of those expenses could deal with the developers the city is working with.

Moulder went on to say that the potential developers are from Greenville but they have done a lot of work in West Greenville in the redevelopment of that area.  Moulder is hopeful that perhaps within the next year that a deal can be finalized with these potential investors so the city wanted to allocate the costs and income associated with that in next year’s budget in case that deal is finalized.