Clemson Prepared For Hells Angels Annual Summer Rally Next Week, According To Mayor

(Seneca, SC)——-Clemson Mayor J.C. Cook was a guest on the Coffee Time program yesterday and he discussed the topic of the Hells Angels motorcycle club who will be in Clemson next week for their annual summer rally.

Mayor Cook says that citizen comments regarding the Hells Angels event have been split 50/50 pro and con.

Mayor Cook said that this is the first time that the organization has come to the city of Clemson.  Cook also said that members of the organizations have completely booked rooms in two hotels in the city and others members have booked rooms in other hotels in the city, which will generate a good amount of accommodation taxes for the city, which can be used for other means.

Cook said after speaking with business owners that many of them will welcome members of the organization into their businesses.  Cook said that the police department is ready and has had eleven months to plan for the event.  The fact that Clemson handles 100,000 fans for a typical Clemson home football game is an advantage for planning for up to possibly 1,000 people in the city next week, according to the Mayor.

In regards to traffic and the law enforcement presence in the city for the event next week, Clemson Police Chief Jimmy Dixon says in a press release that there will be an increased law enforcement presence in downtown Clemson and throughout the city, which will include assisting with any traffic congestion or delays that may arise in the area.

Chief Dixon says that local, federal and state law enforcement partners have been working to create an operational plan for safety and security during the event as well as to minimize any disruption that may occur to normal, everyday activities.

Chief Dixon also reminds those who will be traveling in Clemson next week to obviously expect an increase in motorcycle traffic.