Seneca Mayor Says Incentives An Important Part Of Attracting Business and Industry To The Area

(Seneca, SC)———As we reported yesterday and Wednesday, the Seneca Improvements Corporation Wednesday morning approved up to $5,000 in money through the Commercial Building Improvement Program for a new business that will be opening on Ram Cat Alley.

The business identified as Salon K on the meeting agenda may be opening their doors in as soon as three weeks at 126 Ram Cat Alley, which is next to the old Bergen’s building. The salon is currently located off of Highway 123 in Seneca.

There have been some who have questioned the role of government in regards to the business and free enterprise system as it relates to incentives such as grant money and fee-in-lieu-of tax agreements.

Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander commented on this question Wednesday morning during his appearance on the Coffee Time program.

Alexander said it is a very competitive market and governmental bodies must be ready to offer incentives for business and industry to locate in Oconee County because other governmental bodies elsewhere are offering those same incentives.

Alexander said that by cities making improvements in their downtown, it attracts people into those cities and offering incentives is a part of doing business in regards to getting businesses to invest.

Alexander said that the more businesses that open downtown means more services that the city can provide and creates a good environment for people to come to the town.

Alexander says that Seneca being able to offer incentives is a major plus for the city and could help a business owner make a decision to come to Seneca instead of going elsewhere.