Lane Reversals On I-26 To Be Broken Down This Afternoon, According to SCDOT

(Seneca, SC)—–If your travel plans take you towards the Columbia area today, or points south, be advised that the South Carolina DOT and state troopers will begin the process of breaking down the I-26 lane reversal that has been in effect between Charleston and Columbia. 

The process of breaking down the lane reversal is scheduled to begin at Noon today with the normal I-26 westbound lanes toward Columbia from Charleston remaining open during this time. 

According to information provided by the SCDOT, the process to break down the lane reversal is a multi-step process and is estimated to take about four hours to complete. 

The lane reversal went into effect to allow for the evacuation of the coastal areas in anticipation of the arrival of the weather from Hurrican Dorian. 

Also, the state’s price gouging law is in effect since South Carolina is under a state of emergency and Duke Energy will have a total field workforce of about 9,000 workers ready to restore power to those areas that lose power due to the hurricane.