Third Edition of Alley to The valley for the 2019 clemson football season tomorrow in downtown Seneca

(Seneca, SC)———–The third edition of Alley To The Valley will be taking place tomorrow in downtown Seneca as #1 Clemson will host Charlotte tomorrow night in Death Valley with a 7:30pm kickoff.

Seneca City Administrator Scott Moulder was a guest on the Coffee Time program Wednesday and he talked about what the transportation schedule will look like this weekend for those who will be using the shuttle and bus services.

Moulder said that transportation to the stadium will start running at 4:30pm tomorrow with the parking lots opening up at 2:30pm.

Moulder also said that for the first time, Wild Wing Cafe will have a mobile food vehicle that will be serving food during Alley to the Valley and the game will be broadcast on the green at Norton Thompson Park tomorrow night.