Local Paper Draws Criticism From Community, Issues Apology For Publishing Nationally Syndicated Political Cartoon

A political cartoon published yesterday in the Opinion section of Oconee County’s local newspaper, The Journal, has drawn criticism from members of the community. Claudia Gail Johnson is the Vice Chair of the Oconee County Democratic Party said, contrary to the cartoon depiction, she’s not stuck with any party, and votes from the heart…

Johnson went on to say what she thought should be included in the paper’s apology…

The Journal’s Opinion page today features a one word headline – SORRY – along with an apology which reads, in part, “As a newspaper, we are supposed to be a reflection of our community…Not a white or black one, but a community. We failed in that Wednesday….miserably….” The paper went on to say that the cartoon was purchased from nationally syndicated cartoonist Al Goodwyn, and that they will not be carrying his work in the future.