Walhalla Will Create Committee For Greater Diversity

Walhalla will put in place a committee of city officials and residents to work toward greater diversity. Mayor Danny Edwards described the committee as an attempt to improve the city and “make sure those with voices can be heard.”…

Mayor Danny Edwards spoke at the end of a meeting last night in which a handful of community members of spoke directly to him and council members about the best placement of a Confederate Memorial currently located on Main Street, which has been the center of protests and demonstrations for the last several days. While the mayor and council tonight took public comment on what, if anything, should be done about the memorial, a long line of protesters marched to the Community Depot meeting building, but did not enter due to social distancing guidelines. Multiple arrests were made at the Memorial on Monday night, mostly on charges of Disturbing the Peace.

Thanks to WGOG’s Dick Mangrum for contributing to this report.