In response to recommendations and guidelines issued by the Accelerate Ed Task Force, the following statement of Dr. Michael Thorsland, superintendent of Oconee public schools, was released Tuesday afternoon:

“We are processing the recommendations provided to districts in the AccelerateED report. We are in the midst of forming a committee of parents, teachers and administrators to actively participate in continued planning for the 2020-2021 school year. We will certainly comply with the recommendation of providing families, staff, and our community with a schedule and operation plan at least 20 days before the opening of school. At this time, we anticipate opening school, whether in person or virtual, on August 10, 2020. As we’ve seen in the past months, any plans or recommendations may have to change with the status of the virus in our community. Our staff is working diligently to address all aspects of school re-opening including safety protocols, cleaning protocols, social distancing in the classroom, as well as all that goes into planning for
rigorous instruction across all grade levels.We strongly encourage all SDOC families to visit our website and complete both the Distance Learning and School Re-opening surveys. This data will aid us in addressing the needs of our students, families and community. This continues to be a trying and uncertain time for our community, state and nation. We would ask our staff, parents, students and community to approach the
opening of schools with flexibility, grace and patience.”