City of Clemson Requires Masks in Public

The City of Clemson passed an emergency ordinance on Wednesday which requires people to wear face masks within city limits to help slow the spread of COVID-19. According to the ordinance, which takes effect today, everyone will have to wear a mask or face covering in public places or settings within city limits. City council passed the ordinance by a vote of 7-0. The ordinance lists the following places and situations when people will be required to wear a mask:

Inside any building open to the public, such as, but not limited to, grocery stores, pharmacies, business locations, home improvement stores, retail stores, service establishments, and medical and dental treatment facilities;

Inside all City of Clemson buildings; On all transport and transit vehicles, including, but not limited to, CATbus, Senior Solutions, rideshare, taxi, and shuttle vehicles;

Waiting to enter any building open to the public, any City of Clemson building, or waiting to board any transport or transit vehicle;

Interacting with people from other households in public places, whether indoors or outdoors; Interacting with others during curbside pickup, drive‐thru and food truck purchases, deliveries to homes and businesses, and service calls;

In public places when it is not possible to consistently maintain a distance of 6 feet from other persons not from the same household; and,

Working in all jobs that entail contact with any member of the public, including, but not limited to, all jobs involving the preparation or packaging of food and/or beverage.