Tensions Were High at Tuesday’s Westminster City Council Meeting

About thirty members of the public were in attendance at last night’s August meeting of the Westminster City Council. A series of expose articles published in the local newspaper, The Journal, recently were cited by the public and apparently helped create tension between the council and the public. Four of the councilmen were accused of excluding the mayor and two other councilmen from discussions of city business. Council member Rusty Cater said that social media tends to blow things out of proportion…
Five members of the public spoke, three of whom pushed for a nepotism rule that would forbid an elected official to serve while a spouse simultaneously holds a paid administrative job. That target for a nepotism rule was directed at Councilman Reid Adams and wife Jennifer, who is currently the city clerk and treasurer. She was recently
awarded a $5,200 raise for additional duties while the city tries to fill the vacant position of city administrator. Mr. Adams did not vote for the pay raise.
Council member Danny Duncan spoke in defense of Mrs. Adams, and said that someone needed handle some of the duties that would fall to an administrator after the departure
of the last Westminster City Administrator, Chris Carter…