SDOC COVID-19 Update

From the School District of Oconee County:

            Students returned to instruction in Oconee County on Monday, August 24th with approximately 78%  returning to school buildings. 

            In preparation for that return, SDOC developed protocols for tracking and notification of positive cases.  This information is available on the district website, with positive cases being updated each school day. 

            As of September 30th, the district has seen 52 positive cases among students and staff.  Of those cases, there are currently 6 “active” cases, meaning those individuals who have tested positive that are not back to school as of September 30th.  Of our 19 school sites: 

  • 6 schools have not had a positive case
  • 10 schools have had 2 or fewer cases
  • 14 schools have no active cases 

            The district had one “cluster” of cases that required moving the 8th grade at Seneca Middle School to distance learning for 14 days.  Those students were able to return to school on September 29th, without any further reported cases among 8th grade students.  This targeted approach will continue to be used if the district faces a cluster within a class, grade level, or school.  

            If your student is showing ANY symptoms of COVID-19 or has been in close contact with someone who tested positive, PLEASE KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME. Please notify your child’s school nurse immediately if he or she develops symptoms or is exposed to a person diagnosed with COVID-19. 

Stay Home If you are sick!