Graham Statement on AG Barr Appointing Durham as Special Counsel

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement after Attorney General William Barr notified the committee that he had appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham with the powers and authority of a special counsel.

“I completely concur with Attorney General Barr’s decision to appoint Mr. Durham as special counsel regarding matters related to the Department of Justice and FBI’s conduct in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

 “Based on hearings we held in the Senate Judiciary Committee, it is obvious the system failed and the FISA Court’s rebuke of the Department of Justice and FBI was more than warranted.

 “To restore credibility to the Department of Justice and FBI after this disgraceful episode, people have to be held accountable – either through criminal prosecution or administrative action.

 “I have complete confidence that Mr. Durham is the right man at the right time to be appointed special counsel. I hope his work product will help restore confidence in the Department of Justice and FBI after the debacle called Crossfire Hurricane.

 “I hope my Democrat colleagues will show Special Counsel Durham the same respect they showed Special Counsel Mueller. This important investigation must be allowed to proceed free from political interference. The American people deserve a full accounting of this wrongdoing.”

Read Attorney General Barr’s letter to Chairman Graham HERE. Read Attorney General Barr’s order appointing U.S. Attorney Durham as special counsel HERE.