Mixed News from New Health Care Study

There is mixed news in the Commonwealth Fund’s latest health insurance survey. It found nearly half of all working age adults went without coverage for a time last year or were underinsured. Spokeswoman Sara Collins says they will get help as more provisions of the Obama Health Reform law take effect.  “Starting in October, people who don’t have health insurance coverage through an employer will be able to go to the new exchanges or insurance market places in their state and find out whether they are eligible for either Medicaid expansion or subsidized coverage.” Collins says the Obama health reform law is helping young people.  “We found that the share of young adults (ages 19-25) who were uninsured during the year fell from 48% to 41%, this is a decline in the number of uninsured young adults of about 2-million.” More Americans are expected to receive health care coverage as more provisions of the Obama Health Reform law take effect. “About 55-million people were uninsured for some time during the year.  Nearly 90% of those people will be able to go to a new insurance market place and sign up for a health plan.” Collins also credits the Obama health reform provision that allows children to stay on their parents’ policies until age 26 for allowing more young adults to receive some sort of health care coverage.