OMC benefiting from New Computer System

On March 28, Oconee Medical Center launched a new state-of-the-art hospital information system called Paragon, which enhances quality, safety and efficiency through the seamless sharing of information. Previous information systems at the hospital were disconnected and most processes returned to paper, explains Oconee Medical Center marketing manager Heather Goss.  “What Paragon has allowed us to do is to integrate most of our patient support software into one system instead of having to duplicate information or re-enter information and a lot of the systems were not talking to one another.  Paragon allows us to reduce that redundancy and have all the information in one location but accessible by all the areas that need it.” Oconee Medical Center staff spent countless hours transferring historical information to Paragon, which went live on April 1.  Goss says the conversion to Paragon represents a huge step forward for the hospital and community.  “It is really a great thing and it is one of the greatest undertakings that we have had as a hospital.  It has been a tremendous opportunity for staff to become engaged and involved and it has really brought the staff together, it has been phenomenal.” By utilizing a single record for every patient, regardless of which department delivers care, Paragon streamlines the entire patient care process from admission to discharge. It also created a single historical record for each patient that can be accessed upon each subsequent visit to the hospital. Much of the cost of the Paragon system will be reimbursed through federal stimulus funding designed to encourage hospitals to implement electronic medical records.