Quilt Trail expands in Tamassee

The Upstate Heritage Quilt Trail continues to grow with the addition of a new quilt block in Tamassee.  The quilt can be found on the home of Jeanie and Dave Christopher on Jumping Branch Road on Lake Cherokee.  She is the quilter and even created the pattern from the flags used by the lake association.  They are in the shape of triangle flags.  Jeanie said, “This quilt was inspired by our living here at Lake Cherokee for 10 years.  It celebrates our first 10 years enjoying the lake with friends and family.  Every year when we pay our lake association dues, we are given a colorful flag to put on our boat.  This flag signifies that we are members of the association and therefore, have the privilege of using the lake.  Therefore, I selected colors for the quilt that were the same as the flag colors over the 10 years. We are Clemson fans and retired here after raising our three children in Athens, GA.   I grew up in Anderson so our move here was like ‘coming’ back home’ or at least back to my beloved state of South Carolina!  I have always loved quilts and helped my Grandmother, Julia Morris, make quilts when I was a little girl.  There has always been something special about making a quilt to comfort me or someone else and I treasure those memories of working with my maternal grandmother in Anderson.  In the early 80’s, I took a quilting course while living in Seneca and made some quilts for my daughter’s doll beds.  But, having 3 children kept me too busy to sew except for smocking and other crafty type projects, painting t-shirts or whatever.”   For more information and pictures, click on www.uhqt.org.