ER Health Statistics

Government health officials have been looking at Americans’ visits to the emergency room and finds that one if five report at least one ER trip in the past year. Julia Holmes of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics explains the biggest reason for an ER visit for adults.  “The most common combined reason for visits to the emergency department for those 18 years and over was injury at 14%.” Holmes says the study also found that President Obama’s health care reform appears to be having an impact on the coverage of young adults. “The percentage of adults that are 19 to 25, that percentage that were uninsured fell between 2010 and 2011.” The study also finds the cost of health care concerns some Americans, adds Holmes. “Between 2001 and 2011, among adults age 18 to 64, the percentage who reported not receiving or delaying needed medical care due to cost in the past 12 months increased from 10% to 14%.” Holmes says the study also finds American adults are not all that fit. “Only 48% of adults meet the 2008 Federal Guidelines for leisure time exercise, which is not good news.” To read the complete study visit the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics’ website.