Mayor pleased with progression of City Website

The City of Seneca’s website is still fairly new but already it is paying dividends.  Upgrading the website was a goal of the Seneca City Council a few years ago, says Mayor Dan Alexander.  “Several years ago one of the things that we wanted to do better was the website.  It has gotten better over the years but now we are very proud of it and using it to get information out.  Jeff does an amazing job helping us and making sure information is on there as quick as possible.  The website has more information than just events; there are news releases, pictures, or city projects.  So, if you want to stay informed on the City of Seneca you can go our website, anything that is going on we post it.” A number of people are responsible for the improvements made to the city’s website, says Mayor Alexander.  “To Rick and Riley, they share information with Jeff and Jeff gets it on there.  Councilman Joel Ward and Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie O’Kelley as well as the entire City Council really wanted to make the city’s website better and we are all very proud at the level we have brought it to.  It is easy to navigate.” Learn more about what is going on in the City of Seneca by visiting,