Am Legion Commander steps down on Top

For the past five years, Carlton Patterson has served as Commander of the American Legion Post #120 in Seneca.  His term recently ended but not before going out with some well earned recognition.  “The Roy Stone Award for Legionnaire of the Year for the State of South Carolina and I was fortunate enough to win that.  I have to credit my Post for this award and all the sponsors here in Seneca for supporting us.  We could not do what we do with out our community support and our membership; it is just a team effort on everyone’s part.” Commander Patterson was recognized as the South Carolina Legionnaire of the Year at the state banquet May 31 – June 1 in Greenville.  Patterson is stepping down as post commander to assume the duties of district commander serving the Upstate of South Carolina.  Patterson tells who succeeds him as commander of the post in Seneca.  “Carl Swinson is the new commander now and Carl was my first vice commander for four years.  Carl did an outstanding job and I know he will do an outstanding job as the post commander.” At the state banquest, the American Legion Post #120 in Seneca was also presented the Children and Youth Award for their efforts educating area youth and sponsoring teams, the National Excellence Award for having 100% membership, the Post Commander’s Achievement Award for meeting goals set by the state and the Big Pup Award for having 100% participation and membership.