Glassdoor Worker Survey

A survey from a recruiting and job hunting company, Glassdoor, says more workers are saying they could go out in the job market and get better benefits. Spokesperson Samantha Zupan explains.  “A third of employees report that they think they can do better at competitor companies and again that is according to the Glassdoor survey that just came out.” Health care plans are the most important job benefit, more important than office perks, says Zupan.  “If you are trying to recruit employees out there make sure you have got a good and clear medical plan and coverage but don’t be afraid to shout out what those office perks are too.” The survey shows 76% of people say medical plans are the most important job benefit. Only around 20% rated office perks as a top part of a benefit package.  The Glassdoor survey found employees feeling more confident when it comes to looking for that next job, concludes Zupan. “Most employees are feeling pretty good about their chances of finding a job in the next six months that would be matched to what they currently earn or their experience level and it is 43% that are saying those chances are good and while that may not sound like very much it is actually high in nearly four years.” To read the complete survey on employee confidence in the job market, visit