Graham proposes Amendments to Protect Businesses

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) said he will offer three amendments today in the Senate Appropriations Committee to protect American businesses from the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) job-killing tactics. “The NLRB has been the Grim Reaper of job creation,” said Graham.  “In South Carolina, we have seen first-hand just how destructive their actions can be to job creation efforts.  They seem hell-bent on interjecting themselves into private sector business decisions for purely political reasons.  On issue after issue, the NLRB is destroying jobs and making the United States uncompetitive in the international marketplace.  The unprecedented actions taken by the NLRB move the agency into areas it has never gone before. My amendments aim to protect employers and employees from the counterproductive actions taken by the NLRB and I hope they will be adopted by the Senate Appropriations Committee tomorrow.”