Seneca moving to County Run Election

Following recent moves by the City of Westminster and Walhalla, the City of Seneca is considering turning over its elections to the county.  Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander gives details.  “In today’s world, there is a lot more involved in the election process in what is required of an election.  Oconee County Voter Registration and Elections Director Joy Brooks does an excellent job with the county.  She actually came to us and said she could provide this service if the city would want to allow them to do the election process for us.  You have to have certification and it is an ongoing training process.  She has people on her hired staff, where we have lots of volunteers and they have done a great job all these years, but we are at a point where it seems like there are so many regulations and so much to have to keep up with that we just feel like at this time that we will take them up on their offer.  We think it is sort of a third party and they would be in charge of everything.  Hopefully that will work well.” The agreement also has provisions if either side is unhappy, adds Mayor Alexander.  “I know in the agreement it says that if either party does like the agreement they can notify each other, but I don’t see any problem there.  I just think it was very nice that Ms. Brooks brought it to our attention.  I know several council members have been very involved in the election process, not their elections, but lots of them have worked elections in the past and they were supportive of this happening.  So, we really haven’t run into any opposition and we just think it really makes sense.” The Seneca City Council approved first reading of the ordinance for the Oconee County Election Commission to accept the responsibilities of the City of Seneca Elections at their meeting this week.  Mayor Alexander says second and final reading will be heard at next month’s meeting.  “It will be on the agenda next month and I feel we shouldn’t have any problems passing it through.  Our elections are in March.  With the state law, different things are changing all the time, so they are able to keep up to date with that too and they can make sure that everything is being done accordingly to what needs to be done.” The cities of Westminster and Walhalla approved similar election ordinances earlier this summer.