Seneca Events Committee throwing out Talent Net

Memorial Day might be nine months away but it is never too early to start booking talent.  The Seneca Events Committee is throwing out a net for talent for Seneca Fest 2014, the city’s Memorial Day weekend celebration.  “What we are doing is basically looking for talent for next year, so, we have the net out there to bring some acts back to the Events Committee and let them vote on that.  We are getting excited for Seneca Fest 2014; it will be here before you know it.  Right now we are in the planning stages for that and I will keep you updated if we get any people that we are looking at.” Seneca Events Coordinator Riley Johnson said the Events Committee, comprised of Councilman Joel Ward, Councilman Scott Durham and Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie O’Kelley, wants options to select from as far as musical acts and locations.  “Their weighing all their options and they are also looking at locations, whether to make it a two-day festival or just one big day, maybe at the Gignilliat Community Center or around that area.  So, all of that the Events Committee is kind of digesting everything as we speak, so they will come back to the table with a great plan and it will be something fun for everybody.” On May 25, 2013, the Charlie Daniels Band played live at Gignilliat Field as the headlining act of Seneca Fest 2013.  Johnson said that is the idea again to draw visitors to the city over the holiday weekend.  “That was a homerun for the city and everything worked out great.  That is what we enjoy doing.  We enjoy bringing entertainment to the city and one thing that does is bring in people visiting.  We checked with the hotels and that weekend every hotel in Seneca was booked.  So, it is heads in beds and they are at our restaurants and that is just good economic development for our city.” Plans for next year’s Seneca Fest are expected to be announced before the end of the year.