Westminster discussing upgrades to Rec Facilities

Wanting the best recreation facilities now and for the future, the City of Westminster is discussing possible improvements.  At their monthly meeting, the Westminster City Council opened talks on upgrading the city’s recreation facilities, explains Westminster City Administrator David Smith.  “We have got to figure out what we want and the difference between a want and a need, that is the big problem, but we did advertise for some architectural firms to maybe hold our hand and help us decide what we want because we don’t know what we want.” Smith said the city has a number of unanswered questions concerning its recreation facilities. “It is just a matter of looking at the facilities that we have now and knowing that they have been around for a while and we have a very active recreation program, so at some point you have to look down the road and say do we need to add something and if so what would we add, where would we add it and what can we afford to add.  So, it is just a whole multitude of questions and right now it has just been a general conversation kicking around to try to come up with where we are going.” The conversation about upgrading recreation facilities in the City of Westminster has been going on for a while, concludes Smith. “We have talked about recreation for as long as I have been here, which has been nine years, and it is a matter of trying to figure out where you go next and the affordability, that is really the limiting factor.  You cannot build much for a little money, it takes a lot of money to build facilities, but still you have to be looking down the road to say is there something that we can do and when can we do it.  Even if money should appear, it is a matter of do you know what you want to do with the money.”  Once the Westminster City Council decides on an architect to help with planning future improvements to the city’s recreation facilities, these lingering questions could get some answers.