AAA Carolinas offering Safety Tips and Fuel Info ahead of Storm

Hurricane Michael, a category 2 storm, is predicted to journey across the Carolinas late Wednesday and early Thursday, pouring 2 to 6 inches or more of rainfall. AAA Carolinas is offering safety tips and resources for Carolinians as the storm approaches. While heavy rain is expected across the Carolinas, areas still drenched from Florence could suffer flash flooding. Trees, bushes and some structures could fall if there are high winds brought by the storm. “Unfortunately, Hurricane Michael comes as several parts of the Carolinas are still recovering and rebuilding from the devastation left behind from Florence,” said Dave Parsons, President and CEO of AAA Carolinas. “While this storm isn’t expected to inflict the extent of damage Florence did, now is not the time to be vulnerable.” AAA Carolinas urges residents in the path of the storm to heed the advice of local officials and stay off the road as instructed. Avoid driving in storms or high winds. Drive with your headlights on using low beams. Avoid driving through standing water and flooded roads. Even shallow water can damage or disable your vehicle, and floodwaters can rise very quickly. Maintain an extra-large amount of space around your vehicle, and increase your following distance. This will give you more time and room to respond to other drivers’ sudden maneuvers. Reduce your speed to account for the reduced tire traction on wet roads. If your vehicle starts to hydroplane, gently ease off the accelerator and keep the steering wheel as straight as you can. Keep an emergency kit in your vehicle, including mobile phone, car charger and a backup charger, flashlight with fresh batteries, food and water for all passengers, including any pets, first aid kit, emergency lighting like reflective triangles and extra clothing and blanket. While there could be a short spike in gas prices due to panic buying, fuel supply in the Carolinas isn’t expected to be impacted. The biggest threat to supply would be a pipeline disruption in the Gulf Coast (flooding, power outages). Although Hurricane Michael is a Gulf Coast storm, it is not expected to impact critical Gulf Coast systems (refineries, pipelines) like Harvey did in 2017. Shortages and outages in the Carolinas during Florence were primarily due to pre-storm high demand as evacuations took place along the coast, increased tank-topping of vehicles and then during and post storm power outages and flooding made it impossible for many stations to be re-supplied. AAA Carolinas, an affiliate of the American Automobile Association, is a not-for-profit organization that serves more than 2.1 million member and the public with travel, automobile and insurance services while being an advocate for the safety and security of all travelers.