AAA lists Substandard Bridges in SC
AAA Carolinas has ranked the most substandard bridges in South Carolina. For the 12th time since 2000, the Interstate 26 Bridge that passes over the railroad three miles northwest of Columbia has ranked number one. AAA Carolinas, an affiliate of the American Automobile Association, releases the rankings each year. For their 2013 rankings, AAA Carolinas found that the top 20 substandard bridges carry an average of 53,645 vehicles each day. Age is also a factor. The top 20 substandard bridges average at 53 years, compared to 57 years the year before. There has been a decrease in the total number of substandard bridges from 2012 to 2013 in South Carolina. 1,823 bridges are now considered substandard compared to the 1,880 bridges last year, showing an improvement by 57 bridges.