AC added to New Buses for SDOC

It will soon be much cooler to ride a bus in the School District of Oconee County (SDOC). Ten new buses have been order to replace older buses and the new ones come complete with air-conditioning, says Associate Superintendent of Administration Steve Hanvey. “We’re excited that the state has allocated us ten buses for this year that will replace ten of our older buses in our fleet and it is a good thing that these new buses do come with air-conditioning on them. We currently have twelve that have that, so when we get those that will give us close to a quarter of our buses with air-conditioning. Then our activity buses, which we use on a lot of field trips and athletic events and those kind of things, all of those have air-conditioning, so that is a big plus when we are going somewhere for a field trip during the day or an extra-curricular after school. We are excited about the ten new ones and we hope the state continue that trend of replacing the worst of the worst in our fleet.” The SDOC expects to receive the new buses sometime next month.