Ads running for Seneca City Administrator Position

Ads are now running for the Seneca City Administrator position. On June 30, Greg Dietterick will retire as Seneca City Administrator after 20 years of service, explains Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander. “I would like to go through the selection process and hopefully have somebody in place no later than the end of March. We are taking applications now through the end of February, so March will be a busy month interviewing people and scheduling people to come and talk to us. That is a big position and we are very fortunate to have had Greg for 20 years that is sort of unheard of in this field; lots of administrators don’t last that long. But he has had a very strong council, they are very supportive and listen to what people have to say and their ideas and giving myself with Greg some latitude to bring different ideas to the table. So, I’m happy for him but they will be hard shoes to fill. That person needs to be someone that can work with people, work with the community, mix and mingle with everyone for sure but also have the vision of where to take this town and what do we want to do in Seneca. Greg had an utility background, so that was very important and to me that is very important to the position. If I could find someone that has that background too. But really they have to be a strong administrator because they are there every day and they have to work with lots of different people in lots of different departments and have a good general knowledge of what everything entails. So, looking forward to getting that position filled, but again, I’m happy for Greg, I hate to see him go but he’s looking forward to it and I’m looking forward to it for him.” Dietterick will remain on the job to assist in the transition to his replacement. Among the major accomplishments during Dietterick’s tenure as City Administrator are improvements to the Water Treatment Plant, all-electric, fare free public transit, and several downtown revitalization projects.