Agenda amended for OC Council Meeting

The agenda has been amended for Tuesday night’s, June 19, Oconee County Council meeting. According to the agenda, an economic development matter related to the extension of Salem water lines on Highway 11 has been added to the executive session agenda. In addition, a new deal to handle solid waste is up for consideration. Council is to consider a recommendation for the county to enter into the third and final, five-year deal with the R&B Landfill in Homer, Georgia for an estimated $1.2 million annually. The proposal would have the county administrator renew the contract with R&B for the next four years. Oconee County signed a 20-year deal with the landfill in 2003, with the stipulation that the deal would involve three, 5-year renewals. Each year the county sends 39,000 tons of waste to the landfill. The next closest commercial landfill to Oconee County is in Anderson County but, according to the supporting information to the agenda item, the transport time to Homer is actually less than the drive to the one in Anderson. The Tuesday night, June 19, meeting at 6pm is open to the public and takes place in Council Chambers of the Oconee County Administrative Offices at 415 South Pine Street in Walhalla.