Agenda released for Clemson City Council Meeting

The agenda has been released for the Clemson City Council meeting on Monday, March 5, at 6:30pm. Among the items on the agenda, the council will receive the Annual Police Department Operations Report from Police Chief Jimmy Dixon as well as staff and council reports. Council will also consider a letter of conditions from the United States Department of Agriculture for a combination of loan and grant funding for the Cochran Road Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion, consider second reading of proposed organizational changes to the Economic Development Advisory Committee, consider second reading of a proposed text amendment of the zoning regulations to create exemptions from certain design standards that would prohibit the reconstruction of a list of structures deemed ‘culturally significant’, consider a request from the Sports Council to close off College Avenue between Keith Street and Highway 93 on Saturday, May 26, from 6-10pm to host an after party for the Clemson Sports Day event to be held at various locations throughout the city, consider first reading of an ordinance requiring that Social Hosts not knowingly allow the possession or use of alcohol by underage persons, take reasonable steps to prevent the possession and use of alcohol by underage persons, and requiring that Social Hosts prevent social gatherings from getting out of control to the extent that the public health, safety, peace, and welfare is threatened or disturbed, and consider the replacement of one of the pumps at Pump Station #7 with a submersible dry pit sewerage pump and both variable frequency drives. The meeting is open to the public and takes place in Council Chambers of Clemson City Hall, which is located at 1250 Tiger Boulevard.