All SC Counties are Drought Free

The South Carolina Drought Response Committee met Tuesday, May 29, to update the drought statuses of all counties in South Carolina. Above average rainfall totals across much of the state during the month of May, along with improving numbers across a range of indicators, prompted members of the Committee to vote unanimously to change the drought status of 13 counties from “incipient” to “normal.” This now means that the entire state is drought-free for the first time since July 8, 2016. Over the past 14 days, rainfall across South Carolina, has ranged from 200-600% above normal, with totals from 3-12 inches. The above normal rainfalls over the past several weeks have also significantly improved streamflow levels across the state. All of the state’s major reservoirs are now at or near their target levels for this time of year, reports the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. The committee will continue to monitor the weather and will meet again as conditions warrant.